Welcome to Munko Accounting & Taxation Services 

We provide a wide range of ACCOUNTING and TAXATION services to assist you with your needs.....whether it be personal, business, or investment.

Located on the Gold Coast, we enjoy providing a professional and courteous service that is dedicated to serving your needs, either locally or from afar, depending on your circumstances and location.  We are a registered TAX AGENT and a CPA in Public Practice.

Whether you are a small business owner that needs advice on how to best manage your tax obligations and compliance or an employee that needs help with your tax return or a rental property owner that wants to make sure your deductions are maximised, we can help you!

We love going that extra mile to make sure that your tax return status is fully investigated and that you receive all the refunds that you are entitled to. We specialise in finding out the necessary information easily and quickly.

We look forward to making your end of financial year, quarterly BAS time, or generally keeping up with your tax affairs, both a pleasurable and rewarding experience!

"We really can't thank you enough, and we would recommend your services to anyone looking for a friendly, helpful, dedicated professional"

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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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June 2019 Issue

Copyright © 2009 Munko Accounting & Taxation Services 

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